Credits Received for Electives by Working

Student working as a barista making a drink

Earning Credits While You Work

Did you know you could earn high school credits while you work hours at your normal job? This is possible through our Work Study program!

We believe that a big part of receiving an education involves real-life experiences. Since so many of our students are working while also finishing high school, we want to help you earn credits for the real-life experiences and education you receive at work.

Employee getting supplies out of storage

How does this work?

Grad Solutions Students: Please speak with your mentor on how to get set up in this program and submit your work hours. You will not use the application or submit button on this page.

Smart Schools Students: To begin, please click the button below and complete the application. You will need to submit your hours for review each pay period (use the button at the bottom of this page). For most students in the program, 50 hours equals .5 elective credits – no course or seat time required.

Smart Schools Students Only

Submit your hours

Once you’ve joined the work study program, use this button below to submit your work hours.

Own your own business? Submit your hours here.